Moving To An Apartment
This year many of my senior clients have sold their family homes and chosen to move to an apartment or assisted living building. Planning and research are essential to a smooth transition. Join me for a conversation covering where to look for housing options, important considerations regarding location, deciding what to take with you and what to do with the items you won't have room for. Should you sell your house before or after you move......and lots more.
Nov 5 10 am Archwood 55+ Call 204 416 1067 to register.
If I Sell My Family Home Should I Buy Or Rent?
Depending on your age you maybe wondering should I look at renting an apartment, moving to an assisted living building or buying a condo? These are all good options depending on what your personal needs are. We will have experts on these topics to answer questions about the benefits of different options and to discuss the costs of hiring a moving company etc.
Nov 5 1 pm St James 55+ Call 204-987 8850 to register
Ask A Realtor
This is a Zoom presentation. You can ask any questions you may have regarding real estate and your particular circumstances. I am limiting enrolment to 6 so everyone can ask as many questions as you wish. how much do Realtors charge for commission, when is the best time to sell. what renos will get me the best price for my home? Whatever is on your mind.
Nov 18 1 pm on zoom email me at brian.mcmillan52@gmail.com to register or phone 204-612-6575
I will add extra dates if needed.